
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Colorful arc seen in the sky after a rainstorm - I mean Rainbow!!!

Awesome!!! A rainbow after heavy rain is something rare and beautiful to see, however nowadays it's hard to  click a clear picture of sky because of two important reasons:
  1. Cellular towers, which you can't avoid.
  2. Camera of my mobile is only of 3.2 mega pixel. (When I will get Nokia N8???)  ;-)

Managed to click one without any tower, but still I am not satisfied.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

NO PARKING... Really!!!

Location: Ghaziabad, UP
Country: India
Why people don't understand the meaning of these two simple words "NO PARKING"? These people are moving there asses on four wheeler, but they don't know where to park there vehicles. So sad!!! Because of such "literate illiterate" we face traffic problems and jams. Oh God! please give them some sense.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ting Tong!!! anybody out there!!!

CPU with a twist!!! I clicked this photo while surfing internet in one of Ghaziabad's cyber cafe. I think this button is a "Jugaad" (freaky alternative) for reset button, or is it really a BELL???

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meghalya - Cheerapunjee

Nature again @ its best!!!

Cherrapunjee - where beauty resides!!!

Bangladesh view from a hill top in Cherrapunji!!!

Inside of a cave!!!

Flourished with greenry!!!

all is here, what else you can ask for!!!

pollution doesn't even dare to come here!!!

7 Sisters Waterfall - Named after 7 North-East States

i m speechless!!!

Assam - Jorhat

North-East India at its best
The Divine Bramaputra

Sacred Bhramaputra



Jorhat Rice Farming

 Jorhat Tea Garden