
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Meghalya - Cheerapunjee

Nature again @ its best!!!

Cherrapunjee - where beauty resides!!!

Bangladesh view from a hill top in Cherrapunji!!!

Inside of a cave!!!

Flourished with greenry!!!

all is here, what else you can ask for!!!

pollution doesn't even dare to come here!!!

7 Sisters Waterfall - Named after 7 North-East States

i m speechless!!!

Assam - Jorhat

North-East India at its best
The Divine Bramaputra

Sacred Bhramaputra



Jorhat Rice Farming

 Jorhat Tea Garden

Friday, May 21, 2010

SignOff Day - Yaroon Ye He Dosti Hai...

 Bye Bye Amplify...we all will miss you and the wonderful days we spent here.  It's been a great journey with ups and downs. With teachers always supporting you, and helping you if you want... Especially Prashant Sir... sir we all missed you a lot on Farewell as well as Signoff day. I wish good luck to all of my friends... See you again somewhere, sometime, somehow...  in life. Good Bye.... :-(